Part 77: Episode LXVIII: My Dense Realization

Meanwhile, at the bottom of Lake Macalania...

There's another one of those dopey walk twenty feet to get the cutscene segments. Unlike the last three, there's actually a Level 2 Key Sphere and the first Level 4 Key Sphere in the two corners of the room on the way out. Kind of a dick move.
Welp. The old Summoner's Sanctum has seen better days. I don't know guys. I don't want to judge, but maybe gathering all the summoners to a single point in your weird desert base and slapping a big summoner's here label on it was an ill devised plan.
Oh right... You. Stripper summoner. The one Bolt VanderHuge was looking for back in the forest. I guess you got kidnapped, huh? I'd forgotten about that. Mostly because you appeared all of twice the entire game prior to now and the last time was seven areas or so ago.

Oh yeah. What's his face... Quentin Flynn Summoner is also here. I guess he got kidnapped at some point. There's another person who I'd forgotten about because he showed up all of once the entire game prior to this. Along with both of his guardian brothers. I'm not sure how that worked out.
Good thing the Al Bhed only managed to capture two of the only three summoners we've ever met in Spira. It would be awkward to have to exchange pleasantries with some unknown scrub summoner this late in the game. Or one that was having a far more successful pilgrimage than Yuna and company's clusterfuck, who just ended up here because he didn't have a half dozen people to combat an Al Bhed tank assault.
Speaking of unknown scrubs, remember how Isaaru had a tiny kid brother guardian that had all of about two lines? Well he did. And he decides to wander up to Tidus for some reason while the grown-ups attend to the Al Bhed corpses.



Whhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!? The summoner's pilgrimage is a one way suicide mission this whole time?! Who could have foreseen this shocking revelation as to the nature of our journey? The answer is literally just Tidus and this eight year old child. If you made it to this twist and were take by surprise by this revelation and were over the age about about 14: Congrats. You are dense.

And hey, Rikku. I don't know... Maybe drop the cutesy name for Yuna if you're going to have a serious discussion about the death of another person?

New Music: Revealed Truth






Despite the dramatic motion blurred zoom, here's not actually a long scream of horror. It's more the sound close to that of someone being startled by a spider.





That's a raw deal for summoners. But this is the same narrative where an alternative method of dealing with Sin was tried with the Al Bhed and it resulted in literally the death of about a thousand people. So... I guess the Al Bhed back-up plan is just to go Fuck it! Pack everything up! Not really a good solution on either end here.
Unrelated, wow Al Bhed spiral eyes actually look really creepy. I wonder if Tidus would still be into Yuna if instead of having heterochromia, Yuna had one lazy green spiral eye instead.

While Tidus is busy having a meltdown in an inopportune time*, the pyreflies of the assorted gibbed Al Bhed form into... hey our old buddy Wendigo! Funny, I thought the Wendigo was more of a feral creature than a straight up fiend made of Spiran soul farts. But then again the Guado explode into pyreflies upon death just like your common monster. So perhaps the species lines are a bit blurry.
* (Hey didn't Auron do the Sin = Jecht reveal early to avoid this exact same scenario? Whoops!)

But only use the power of two summons, and only those of two different types, at a time please. The game engine cannot handle more than that without hard crashing. Please understand the sacrifices they must make to defeat Sin.
The summoned Ifrit and Valefor proceed to ruin the Wendigo's shit. Or at least, it is implied by sound effects and the screen going white. Sorry, it wasn't in budget to actually have a cinematic duo-summon vs. yeti battle.

In a puzzling emotional outburst, Tidus decides to rush over to the Valefor and just start beating the shit out of it. I mean really just laying into the thing. Punches it right in the bird tit. Rude.

This giant bird is very confused right now.

Music: Yuna's Theme
Hey, remember the one time Yuna learned to whistle? You know, the one of about two times Tidus and Yuna hung out together and had a moment. No? You don't quite recall. It's cool. We're just gonna play the scene again from a slightly different camera angle and slap a filter over it.


Right. There was this whole bit next where Yuna teaches Tidus to fake smile. Which probably ought to have been a big warning sign that all was not well with the journey. But they're just going to skip over that bit. Probably for the best.
Instead, let's see a (thankfully) muted version of the iconic fake laughing scene.

You ever seen the Japanese version of the laughing scene? Oof. You thought the English version was bad dubbing but you go back and look to see Japanese Tidus doing what sounds like a duck getting throttled to death. I wonder if they make fun of that awful scene over there too.



Video: Episode 68 Highlight Reel (Recommended Viewing!)